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Mplus Discussion
Expand/Collapse TopicAnnouncements
Expand/Collapse TopicExploratory Factor Analysis
Expand/Collapse TopicConfirmatory Factor Analysis
Expand/Collapse TopicStructural Equation Modeling
Expand/Collapse TopicCategorical Data Modeling
Expand/Collapse TopicGrowth Modeling of Longitudinal Data
Expand/Collapse TopicLatent Variable Mixture Modeling
Solutions for Mixture
Multinomial logistic regression
Comparisons between classes
Power analysis
Structural equation mixture model
Class Probabilities
Growth mixture modeling within a cohort sequential design
Monte Carlo Study
LCA with effects between indicators and DIF corrections
Negative variance estimates
Changes in latent class membership when predictors are in...
Parallel process growth mixture modeling-is it possible?
LCA: Choosing Initial Conditional Probabilities & Number ...
LCA fit with very sparse response patterns
Latent Profile Analysis
Data distribution assumptions with version 2.0
App7 example: odd covariance in class 1
Goodness-of-fit statistics for mixture models
Fitted and raw data question
Non-Invariant Psi and Theta
Survival analysis
LCA and Nominal data
Predictors of latent class membership
Training Data
LCA and cluster analysis
Complier Average Causal Efect (CACE) estimation
LCA with binary and categorical indicators, and continuou...
Mixture modeling with multilevel data
Binary and continuous dependent variables indicating the ...
Ordered categorical as mixture indicator?
Reporting Results
Correlate covariates in Growth Mixture Modeling
LCA and binary outcome variable
Estimation of Continuous Regression within classes
Set time scales free
Class sizes
Equality Constraints Across Latent Classes
LCGA var/cov specification
Class with "no growth"
LCA s.e.'s for estimates in probability scale
Significant Test in LCA with Continuous Outcome
Problems with parameter estimation
LCA syntax problem
Probit-linear mixed model with correlated errors
Group differences in LCA
The difference between GMM and LCGA
Power analysis
Interpreating distal outcomes
Latent Transition Analysis (LTA)
Latent Profile Analysis
Multinomial logistic regression
Two questions about LCA
Within class variability
Characterizing trajectories in mixture modeling
Distal outcome thresholds in GGMM
Performance of factor mixture models
Latent Class Conjoint Analysis
Thresholds for Latent Class Analysis
Retrospective classification
Thresholds fixed at +/-15
Effect sizes
LPA with covariates/Multiple group LPA
First order deriviate product matrix in GMM's
Modeling a sensitive survey strategy
Sample size and interpretation
Residual Analysis
LPA in lieu of growth mixture modeling
Type I error
Testing number of latent classes
Dual processor aware
Missing example on discrete-time survival analysis
Missing convergence command in Version 3?
Latent class models
Multigroup factor mixture model
Question regarding example penn-app6
Sources of Mplus
Demonstrating differences in progression across classes
Linear Regression
Missing data modeling with MLR
Time-varying covariates
Categorical and continuous indicator
Randomization of start values
Sequential process gmm with two categorical latent vars
Reference group in GMM with X
Time scores
Selecting the number of classes
Distal outcome in GGMM
LCA and multiple imputation
GGMM with 100 sets of random start values
Reducing number of variables in LPA
Standard Error Question
Including covariates in LCA
Chi-Square Values for Nominal LCA/LTA Models
Latent Profile Analysis with Clustered Observations
Constraining Transition Parameters in LTA
Three sequential processes
Changing the reference group
Multilevel Discrete Time Survival Analysis with Long-term...
Multivariate Growth Mixture Modeling, is it possible?
Unequal Covariance in Mixture Modeling Problem
Skew & Kurtosis test in growth mixture model
LCA classes as independent variables in regression model
Discrete-time survival model
Question about Definition of Group and Heterogenity for GGMM
LCA with Covariates, Missing Data, and Plots
Interactions and cubic terms
Questions about mixture model
Model constraints
Size of classes in the sem mixture modeling
Assigning individual's class membership using imputation
Modeling error structures and heteroschedasticity in LGMM
Use single categorical variable, multiple dichotomous var...
Single-class LGMM vs. LGM & correlated errors in censored...
LCA and covariates
Scree plot interpretation of AIC/BIC in LGMM?
LCA Question
Basis issues on mixture modeling
Absense of local independence
Nonlinear GMM
Sequential growth mixture modeling with multilevel data
Growth mixture modeling and distal outcomes
A citation on hidden Markov model in Mplus manual
Which value to be fixed on in Markov model
IRT latent class (mixture) modeling
Calculating probabilities
P Value
Average Latent Class Probabilities
GGMM with algorithm=integration and missing data
General Questions on (m-level) Mixture Modeling
Comparing latent means across latent classes
Class varying (co)variance paramters
Multilevel mixture model
Bivariate Process of Mixtures
Confidence Intervals for Odds Ratios
Latent Class Segmentation
Weights different in LCA
No event in a period in survival analysis
Some Question about Mixture model
Mixture model with latent classes
Data Exportation with Latent-Class Models
Class Selection
LCA with CFA
Savedata with LCA
St Error and EM algorithm
Non-positive definite matrix
How do I Clasify each record in the file
Distal Outcomes
Mixture sem models with longitudinal data
Evaluating trajectories with categorical outcomes
Output - some message about mixture model
LCA (Example 7.9) with three or more classes
LCA convergence problem
FMM/LPA Syntax problem
Strength of covariate in GMM
Comparing LCs in samples of different sizes
Model Comparison
Knownclass statement and cprobabilities file
Complex Sampling Design and Subpopulations
Output Re: Nominal/Categorical Variables
Montecarlo for Mixture Modeling
Categorical latent variables as IV and DV
LCA to examine lack of measurement invariance
LCA and sampling weights
Treat indicators as categorical or continuous?
GMM with classes in addition to LGM
GMM and nonlinear growth
Variance across classes
Changing the reference class in conditional LCGA
Single indicator latent variable
Class numbers for SEM multiple latent variable LCA
Model Modification Indices
Computer for Mplus4 (Bootstrapped LRT, etc.)
Identification of two-indicator LC model
Tech 14
How can I improve my PC
Poisson ACE model
Latent Profile Transition Analysis (LPTA)
Value of Variables in LPA
Factor mixture model for 2 classes with 2 factors
Suggestions for cleaner estimation
Logistic model with LC variable as predictor
Use of Mixture Modeling to test for CMB
Feasibility of a Latent Class Analysis
Second-Order Latent Class Model
Start Values
Problem recreating optimal model
Multilevel LCA/LCR
Variable Type for latent class analysis
Multiple group approach with latent classes
Latent construct as a moderator
Problems with LCA with covariates
How to monitor progress without using tech8
Between level latent class analysis
Observations for mixture structural models
LCA with Count Variables
Correlated variables in LCA?
LCA with varying indicators
Tech10 standardized residuals
Multilevel covariates in cross-sectional LCA
Latent class regression Monte Carlo example
Muthen et al. (2002) model 2 syntax
Latent class analysis with random effect
LCA class differences and factorial invariance?
Variable Type for Mixture Model
Logit intercepts for MARKOVS
Factor score-like output in Mixture models
How to adjust for binary explantory variables
Deriving p-values
A question about cross-sectional LCA
LCA Interpretation of Output
Conditional probabilities in LCA
GMM output
ZIP output for inflation intercepts
Multilevel mixture modeling
Cross Sectional Data with a Preponderance of Zeros
Regressing outcomes on latent classes
Class membership posterior probability calculation
Convert Probabilities File to SPSS?
Significance of variances of growth factors
Classification of individuals
How to free the variance of model ?
Using LCA outcome to specify different CFA models
LPA with uncorrelated indicators
LCAStandard errors may not be trustworthy
Ill-conditioned Fisher Matrix
LCGA several time points
LCA with distal outcome?
Gmm and binary outcome variable
MPlus LCA versus PROC LCA (SAS)
Latent Class Analysis or EFA
Standardized residuals for LCMs
Writing to savedata file
Comparing model fit when changing assumptions
Individual estimates: simultaneous mix mod
Continuous distal outcomes with LPA
LCA logit threshold
A Beginner's LTA question
Fixing latent classes?
What is a good value of entropy
Number of variables compared to subjects
How to see cohesion of a class (or is it possble?)
CFA Mixture + Covariates
Latent class probability scale
Changing order of classes for LMR test
Mixture model with Count data: mean growth factors
LTA mover/stayer: thresholds
Another basic question
Finding mixtures of level two variables
Multigroup mixture modelling using Knownclass
Running Mplus remotely on a cluster
Problems with plot
Intercepts/factor means in the LCA-model
Macintosh files and "observations is 0" error
GMM trajectories to predict outcomes
LCGA with count outcome
Testing model fit in GMM
Regressing 1 LCA on another LCA
Problem with Mplus 5
LCA with many covariates
Reordering latent classes, output problems
Minimal number of cases in GMM
Factor mixture model with continuous variables
Latent growth modeling
Parallel Processes - Part 1
Log-linear effect parameterization
LCA: Sample Size & Subgroup Comparisons
Nonstandard finite mixture
Mardia test in type=general meanstructure
Variance and covariance
GoM in MPlus
Two part mixture
Timing Comparison
Multiple grp 2 part growth equality constraints
Operators in model constraint section
Validation of mixture model solution
Unusually high odds ratio
Random starts results in Mplus 5
Identical iterations
Regime switching in GMM
LCA and longitudinal analysis
LPA with composite index?
Unperturbed starting values
Descriptive statistics
Multiple Groups and CFA Mixture Modeling
Mixture optimization algorithm
LCA vs cluster analysis
Batch files of multiple models
Training data worsens fit of mixture model?
Random draw from a 2-normal mixture structure
Normality and GMM
Quick BLRT question
Correlated residuals in LCA
Different growth curve models in GMM
Error: Variable [...] removed from usevariables
LCA on orthogonal principle components
LTA with interaction
The sign of a latent variable
Formative vs reflective indicaotrs in LCA
Relaxing restrictions in GMM
Inconsistent BLRT across comparable models
Latent Class Question
Starting values in LGMM
IRT Model: Estimating Group-level Ability
ALTA in Mplus
Problem with constraints
Observed Items with Mixed Measurement Levels
Likelihood function: Unboundedness & local maxima
Should variables be correlated when doing a LCA?
Using classes for prediction
Categorical indicators & thresholds
Latent categorical variables sharing indicators
Latent variable as predictor of latent class?
Warnings in LCA output
Effective weights in Growth Mixture Models
Tech1 output as a text file?
Ordinal, Nominal and Interval Indicators
Examples from Muthén (2004) chapter missing?
Tech 11: Constraining LCA solutions
Equivalence of FMM & LCA/LPA ?
CFA mixture model: reference category change
GMM with binary covariate influencing class
Auxiliary option
Partial conditional independence
Latent class analysis with nominal indicators
Processing speed
Interpreting output for predictors
Predicted scores for outcome of class membership
Local Independence Assumption
GMM with binary outcome
Individual growth parameter estimates
Predicting latent growth factors in LCGA
Constrain one class
Largest class being last class
Duration of analytic runs
LCA: covariates and multuple groups
Factor mixture
Regressing growth factors on covariates
Why do fit indices change?
Nominal Dep. Vari with Latent Class & Latent Vari
Graphing problem
LCA using classes to predict a continuous outcome
Listwise deletion and mixture
Obtaining means in LGMM with covariates
Mixture Modeling with Cross-Sectional Data
Compute elasticities & marginal effects for a LCM
Sava data in GMM
Multiple processors
LCA with correlated covariates
Fundamental Issues in GGMM
No substance use class
Growth Mixture Modeling and Missing Data
Interpretaton of regression coefficients
Investigating DIF with factor mixture models
Item R-square
Parallel Process Growth Modeling
Decide linear or quadratic for GMM model
LCA-model fit with alternative not nested classes
GMM with multiple imputation
class-specific means of each time point
GMM appropriate
Invariance in factor structure
Latent Class Analysis with covariates and outcomes
Setting latent class membership N's
Cfa and lpa
.out files problems
"alternative parameterizations" formula?
Need reference for auxiliary command test
Mixture Regression
Diverging LMR and BLRT p-values
LCGA and singular matrix
Mixed Latent Markov Modeling
LCA with known classes using training variables
Forcing class membership
BIC vs. LRT and singularity
Latent Transition Analysis
Modeling 2 Reciprocating Feedback Processes
Repeated events (Cox model)
Random effect in the GMM model
LCA + non-observed patterns
Free constrained variance
Fmm for continuous variables
LPA with Covariates with chosen refenrence class
Item Response Probabilities
Item Parceling with Mixture Models
Order of latent classes, GMM
Variance in growth mixture model
Predicting existing trajectories
Covariates in Growth Mixture Modeling
Loglikelihood replication
Non-recursive model in latent class analysis
Latent class with covariates: estimation of (c1)?
Metric of Indicators for GMM
Comparing Optimal Model Fit to Alternative Model
LPA: Cluster Size Minimum?
Two-staged regression
How much of a big deal is tech10?
Curves predicting curves
Mplus capabilities with very large datasets
Fitting a multivariate latent trait model in Mplus
Wald test for mean equality
Power for LCA analysis
LCA and sample size
LCA/LTA using multiply imputed data
Mixture Rasch model
Multigroup LCA, Covariates, Non-Replication
CFA mixture 1-class/baseline model
Complex Survey Data
Program for LCFA
Mixed dependent variable
Skewed varaibles for latent class/profile analysis
Bizarre Threshold Estimates
Problem about mixture regression
Question on LFA
Use Variables List
Estimating classes at Respondent level
Pausing Mplus computation
Factor mixture modeling - changing start values
Warning LCA
Estimated Probabilities as function of covariates
LPA predicting growth factors?
LCA distal outcomes and covariates
ZIP GMM Sample Statistics & Graphs
Association between categorical latent variables
Specifying latent class indicators in mixture reg.
Unknown Classes
LCGA and Changing the Reference Group
LCA: help interpreting output/errors
C1 WITH c2 -- Parametrization=loglinear
Auxiliary (r) and knownclass?
Output prob
Discrete time survival w/h TVC on time since event matrix &non-pos def 1st deriv matrix
Data Simulation for Mixture Modeling
Final class count and proportions with empty cells
LCA with Discrete-Time Survival Analysis
Covariates vs. DVs in latent class analysis
LCA: problem with covariances for categorical data
Relationship Between Classes in LCA
Replicating the best loglikelihood
Id variables and number of classes
Dual Trajectory Analysis
Likelihood ratio test between nested LCA models
Three latent class variables, crossed
A problem met when fitting Mixed Rasch Model
Logistic regression
Chi-square =1
Syntax for three-way loglinear interaction
LPA results
LTA vs. LCA? Entropy and BIC
Bayesian mixture model
Use of LC probabilities to predict outcomes
Latent class for cross-sectional time-series
Joint GMM and discrete time survival
HMM with continuous indicators
Pseudo-class draws
Bivariate HMM?
Sampling Weights in LCA Model
Correction for Vuong-Lo-Mendell-Rubin test
Estimation Issues in LCA
LCA, distal outcome and moderation
Setting reference class
Scales for latent variable
Dimensionality and Latent Class Analysis
Covariates with zero variance in LCGA
How to pick the best model?
Longitudinal patterns of multivariate variables
Interaction between Cg and C on distal outcome
Tech 14 Warning Message
Bootstrap CI for comparing classes
Latent Classes with different durations?
'parameters'and'Degrees of Freedom'for LCA
Item response probabilites LTA
Indicators in LCA and class size
Slope loadings for multilevel growth mixture model
Posterior probabilities for LCA model
Strictly positive chi-square dif test in LCA
Statistically comparing CRMs by latent profile
Monte Carlo Simulations
Grouping Variables
Predict Latent Class Membership
Thresholds in a nominal model
Model fit
Interpreting a Class with Zero Cases?
Survival Mixture Model
Data File Problems
How to reduce the classes
LCA: understanding settings
Item probability plot
Confirmatory LPA
Method for finding similiar trajectories
Identifying "the class-defining u indicators"
What type of data files can be used in Mplus?
About Latent Class
Zero-inflated latent growth modeling
Who (what) should I believe?
Two part gmm setup?
Latent Change Score Mixture Model
Replicating LL -- What's close enough?
Singular inf matrix probs for gmm w/binary data
Multi equation HLM model with panel data
Error in fitting mixture model
Number of participants needed for LCA
Ordered Latent Class Analysis
Stability of sequenced models
LPA output message
Bayesian priors for LCA paper
Misidentified non-integers
Output of first replication in simulation of GMM
Local independence assumption and count variables
LCA, count variables, overdispersion
Adjusting for confounders
Path analysis with 6 latent classes
Confirmatory LCA
Latent class analysis with covariates
LCA: output and equation
Interpreting error message
BIC vs LMR LRT (in large samples)
Mediated moderation in GMM
Fixing thresholds in LCA
Stack overflow?
Changing class order in conditional lca
Gmm classes on groups
Out-of-range values for estimated means (LCGA)
Ordered LCA with Bayes estimator
Auxiliary (e)
Apparent bug in Mplus
Calculating class probabilities in a mixed model
Information criteria and capitalization on chance
Wald Test in LCGA Dual Trajectory Anlaysis
Regression Mixture model
Latent difference score
Equation model of complex mixture model
Cluster on FactorScores v.s IndividualVariables
Tests of significance for LCA indicators
Multigroup latent classes with empty classes
Longitudinal LCA / LTA
LCA with partial conditional independence
Different specifications for LCA using covariates
LCA with two latent categorical variables
Merging latent classes
GMM with diff. shapes (linear, quadratic, s-shape)
TECH14 with mixture complex
LCA and binary distal outcome
Calculating results in probability scale
Modification Index 999
Latent Transition Analysis with Multiple groups
Covariates of Distal Outcomes
Monte Carlo & Knownclass question
Posterior Predictive P value in multi-group Bayes?
Qu re: Web Note 15 - categorical latent variables
LCA with replicate weights
Mixture modelling and missing data in covariates
Interaction between two experiment factors-1
Computationally demanding models
The new 3-step approach latent class analysis
Manual 3-step approach with auxiliary model
Questions about LCA
Study design with two sets of latent classes
How to identify individuals in a class?
Starting values for Growth Mixtures
Covariates of the latent class
Modeling Recurrent Events Using Latent Variables
TECH14 warning
GGMM with binary distal outcome
Questions about LCA
Intensive longitudinal data
Free factor structure in mixture modelling
LCM with an interval-censored dependent variable
Mixture Model with covariates - warning message
Contradictory best fir statistics for LPA
Non Invariance
GMMs applied to nominal outcomes?
GMMs applied to sibling interactions data?
Latent Class Analysis with Repeated Observations?
Likelihood not replicated, random starts maxed out
Latent classes predicting continuous outcomes
LCA Using Twin Data
Missing x-values in the SERIES option error
Guidance/advice for a growth mixture model
"Dual process" LCGA
PLOT 3 LCGA with covariate
Latent Categorical and Latent Continuous
Residual diagnostics for LPA
Bayesian LCA - Assigning Individuals to Classes
Covariates not significant
1-step method in LCA with continous distal outcome
Can't get MFILE option to work with LCA
Tech 7
Intercepts of latent class - Alpha (F)
LTA and odds ratio question
Monte Carlo
LCA and Covariates
Error in reading data input file
Example 7.14 question
Auxiliary variables in GMM
Simulation of LCA with distal outcome
New mixture output in v7
Continuous and categorical indicators
Syntax using final estimates for start values
Missing data imputation in 3-step?
LCA/LTA with indicators of mixed scale
Latent class growth modeling with mediators
Multiple group LCA with count& ordinal indicators
LCA with type = complex
Correlations Greater Than 1.0 in Class
Standardized estimates and referent groups
Show/hide legend grayed out
PROC LCA / Survey Errors
Data for Example 6, LCGA
Multilevel, mixture, categorical model
Covariates and interaction
Twolevel LCA save cluster and individual id?
Latent class as a predictor variable
Combine classes in LCR
Interpretation of i and s in twolevel LCGA
Best format for 3-cat ordinal vars in LCA?
More than one categorical latent in LCA
Model constraint new for class prevalence
Intercepts when using R3STEP
Estimation of logistic regression in LCA
Resolving endogeneity using mixture models
Bootstrap SE/CI for class probs given xs & RRs
Error messages and what they mean
Multiple thresholds and probabilities
One LC variable moderating effect of another
Problems with mixture Rasch model
Mixture IRT model
LCA with epigenetic variables
LCGA spaghetti plots
Syntax for LPA
Cannot find "results in probability scale" section
LPA Syntax
LCA and the "usevariables" list
LCA - Save class and idvariable
Restarting an interrupted analysis?
Unresticted finite mixture model
Predictors in LCGA
Number of decimals
Confirmatory LCA
Result of Latent Profile Analysis
Odds Ratios
Different seed values
Adapting Monte carlo from WebNote 15
Linear vs. linear and quadratic GMM
Chi-Square Test for MCAR in LCA
Deciding the number of latent classes for a GMM
A question about SK tests
Seeds and initial stage start numbers
Mplus vs. EMMMIX finite mixture model solutions
Test of invariance in latent class analysis
Bootstrap test for k vs k-1 classes
TECH11 - Replication of H0 Loglikelihood Value
Outliers in GMM
Log Transformed Values in Parallel Process
LCA Mixture Model - control and moderation
Class thresholds within a knownclass
Three methods (ML, MLF, MLR)
Changes in the sig. of growth factors across 3 GMM
Mixture CFA (ordinal indicators): Model comparison
Missing data handling
Latent mean scores
LCA quetsions
Time varying covariates in DTSMA
LCA with longitudinal data
How to speed time while running mixture IRT
Import dat-file from Mplus to SPSS
LCA with shared indicators
Monte Carlo - classification matrices don't tally
The questions of output in mixture models
Covariates and Distal Outcomes
Multilevel mixture IRT simulation
Latent class odds ratios and confidence intervals
Piecewise GMM with individually varying times
Class separation and entropy
STSEED rules
Getting posterior probabilities for each subject
LTA: Regress trans probs on categorical covariate
Label switching problem in mixture IRT models
AIC increases and adjusted-BIC decreases?
LCA Minimum Number
LPA with non-normal items
Latent State-Trait Analysis
Latent Budget Model
LCA with multiple latent variabels and 3 step
Multilevel LCA, with 10 or more clusters
LCA with ordered categorical variables
Error message
Latent curve model on the basis of classes?
Active or inactive covariates
LPA with only 2 variables
Estimation method for mixture rasch model
Polytomous data
LPA Questions
Issues of skewness and kurtosis in GMMs
Convergence Problem
Residual covariances
Constraint on LCA
Changing the path automatically
LCA / LTA observed variables
Using Tech12 and RESIDUAL
Output into R
GMM with more than one indicator
Increasing starting values
Equidistance in LTA
LCA with a single binary outcome
Knownclass + class labelling
Standardizing scores - unnecessary but possible?
Multiple Group LCA / questionnaire's cut-off
Standard errors of zero using R3STEP
LCR parameters fixed--better with more covariates?
Automatic vs manual 3-step approaches
Dcat/dcon vs. r3step for LCGA
Mixture LCGA and survival + 3-step regression
One observation missing in LCA
Equations Solved for LCA
Accidentally deleted a thread
Manual 3-step approach
BCH method for estimating a distal outcome
Standard errors conditional item probabilities
Standard errors conditional item probabilities
Appendix K
Rhdf5 package doesn't work in Rv3.1
Longitudinal, multilevel LCA Help
Monte Carlo with Latent Profile Data
Ssd Chemical for cleaning black Dollars, euros,
Classify-analyze vs. DCAT different results
Second Order LCA for different behaviors
Variables associated with LTA
The Mixed Rasch model
LCA error message
Is p value exactly 1.000 in LCA a problem?
ML GMM with between group mixtures
Variables associated with LTA
AIC vs. BIC and LCA
How to weight indicator variables
LCA with one known/zero class
Multilevel Multivariate LCA (or LTA)
IRT mixtur model with auxiliary variables
Alignment method and significant level
Thresholds in GMM w/ categorical distal outcome
Univariate entropy
GMM with non-normal distribution
Auxiliary variables in 3-step LTA
Spatial factor analysis vs. Mixture modeling
Question about Ex8.1 from the user guide
Latent class analysis with multiple imputation
Two growth process growth mixture model
Gmm with distal outcomes
multilevel mixed IRT model
Latent Class - indicator versus covariate
Multilevel LCA and 3-step
3 step approach of GMM
Bayesian estimation and latent class regression
Univariate entropy
Treating time in a different way using GMM
Exporting data from two-level LCA
Manual 3-step hits limit of nominal categories
Entropy too high
Redo Winbugs analysis in Mplus - Mediation
LCA w/ covariates
Ordered model constraint of item probabilities
Non-positive product matrix
Ordinal laten class variable
Latent class regression with complex survey design
T1 Covariates in GMM
Latent profile mediator
Bayesian Latent Profile Analysis; Need CPROB
LCA with cross sectional data
Skewed Class Indicators in LPA
Intepretation of LCA with nominal indicators
Producing Class Means
Obtaining TIF/ICCs from an SP-FA
LCA with tech11 and tech14 output
2 questions regarding LCA
How to get the odds ratio in LCA
Failing to perform a simple simulation
DCAT question
Vary Dispersion Parameters Over Classes in NB LCA
Mixture factor model
Classes with very low numbers of subjects
Latent Class Analysis
LCGM: A continuous and a count DV
Wishlist for MPlus 8
Finite Mixture Regression for Segmentation
Inconsistencies when freeing residual variances
Sample size
Auxiliary Variables in Mixture Modeling
LCA Plot Issue
BIC vs. Sample-size adjusted BIC for interaction
LPA - Class with zero membership count
Chi Square and degrees of freedom in LCA
Bayesian Regression parameter constraint
Comparing LPA: Real Data vs Monte Carlo Simluation
Newbie, Some advice with LCA much appreciated
Pearson and LR chi-square test differed
LCA allowing local dependence, reading tech10
LCA with tech11 (LMR) when k=1
Choosing variables for LCA analysis
Tech11 vs tech14 and BIC
Specifications for LGMM
Uncorrelated Variables in a LCA
Missing cells in Latent Transition Models
LPA error
Factor Mixture Model vs LPA w/ Factor Scores
Multiple sequential GMM
Mixture Modeling with control variables
LCA with random effects
Measurement equivalence in LCA
GGMM_time-varying outcomes
LPA, auxiliary variables, and counts
Unequal btw-person var/cov across classes
Error message in LCA
FMA factor savedata
Equating item parameters for mixture simulation
Multiple group LCA with covariates
Twin Factor Mixture Modeling-first step
LCA and the ACE model (twins)
Latent nominal mediator
Repeated-measures latent class analysis
1-Step approach for DU3STEP
FMM & IRT mixture modeling
Multi-level modeling w/ unconventional nesting
R3Step plotting and Tech14 (LCA)
Mixture EFA
Different curvatures in each class
Comparing RESIDUAL and TECH10
Using covariates to improve entropy
Comparing Linear and Quadratic GMMs
LCA problems with parameter
3-step multilevel LCA
LCA 2+ outcomes in categorical variables
Multi-mixed Factor: Classes of Within by Persons
Zero-inflated gamma regression
Latent variable regressions in LTA
Propensity Scores and GMM
Covariates & distals in LPA mixture CFA
GMM with a latent variable indicator
Multilevel LCR with a Distal Outcome
Predictor variables
No graphs in LCA?
LCA with the weights
The warning of BLRT
About Latent Profile Analysis
GMM Evaluation of class homogeneity
LPA with unequally spaced time points
Plot save options grayed out
Unpublishable results due to error?
LRT test
LCA Agreement Kappa
Latent class growth mixture model
LCA Measurement Invariance - Trend Analysis
Non significant VLMR in weighted LCA
LCGA - pain classes
Fix latent class probabilities
Regression mixture model
Residual Covariances (Cate/Cont)
OMP_NUM_THREADS error message.
Reporting LCA Results
Missing Data in LTA
Creating grouping variables for my latent profiles
Variances fixed or floating
Interaction Terms in LTA
Correlated factor model
Clustering growth with two time points.
Creating multiple grouping variables per case
Person parameters for mixture IRT models
Latent Profile Analysis in Survival Analysis
LCA/LTA for population level data
Factor Analysis with LCA Results
Factor Mixture Model Variations
LCA with Covariates, Distal, and Imputation
Latent Profile Analysis
Seeking confirmation about LPA Syntax
Latent Change Score standardization
Measurement Invariance in LCA
Model Fit Indices for Complex Survey Data
Impossible Variance Error
Saving ID variable from LCA
Maximum Likelihood Estimator Robust for Skewness
LPA Error
Covariates in LCGA
Multiple Group Analysis
Measurement Invariance Syntax Confirmation
Can you use SAVE = cprobs in an LTA
LCGA- How to fix slope of one class?
Error in conducting 3-step LTA method
Mediation/Interaction: 4-way decomposition
LPA solution
Formula for Measurement Error in LTA
LTA Error Troubleshoot
LTA in demo version
GMM with Binary Variable
Relationship between entropy in LTA and LPA
LPA R3step with missing data on covariates
Predicting an outcome using LTA
Parametric and Nonparametric MLM Mixture Models
Latent Profile Analysis - Normalising variables
Class membership as a predictor - algorithm?
LTA,distal outcome, and covariates
Specify starting values for all parameters?
3-step Latent Class Regression issue
LCA for egocentric social network data
Identifying the correct profile for 1 person
Required number of endorsements per indicator
LCA from latent variables?
Different covairances in Mplus and SPSS?
Auxiliary models with BCH weights
Class variable as mediator
Descriptives for clusters
Multiple group analysis
LPA with both categorical and continuous data
Odds ratios
Number of classes in TYPE = MIXTURE RANDOM
LCA - Non-positive definite matrix
Difference in MPLUS and MCLUST estimates
Moderators in GMM models - is it possible?
Standardized residuals in LPA
Multiple class structures within a single dataset
Two part model
Exploding coefficients in logit
LCA with a distal outcome and covariates
Identifying classes in LTA output
Mxiture irt constraint
Change Variables and Interactions
LCA trend in LMR(p)
Class prob. 0.000 and 1.000 for binary indicators
Identifying cases (participants)
BLRT for LTA AR2 v AR1
Obtaining linear predictions
LCGA for randomized control trials
Dealing with label switching with three classes
Question about 3-step approach
3-Step Distal Outcomes in Latent Class Analysis
LPA Reproduced Data
STDYX mean values in LPA
The analysis time of LPA
Suppress MS-DOS windows
LCA Response bias
Do not estimate select items across classes
VLMR test output not always appearing
Testing LCA Item Probability Differences
Growth mixture modeling in treatment study
Differences between latent trajectory classes
Sample size requirements for latent class analysis
Nonlinear relationship - covariates and outcome
Fit: LPA with different no. of indicators
Class membership counts
Conditional Independence LCGA
Best approach to LCGA with time-varying covariate
Mixture model with crossed REs?
3-step mixture modeling with training data
LCA w/unordered categorical latent class indicator
Two-step method for predictors of latent classes
Partial Measurement Invariance in GMM model
Interpreting MODEL CONSTRAINT output
LPA, 3-step method, the value of Est./S.E. is 999
Ordered vs Unordered Solutions
LPA Skewed Means
LPA predicting LGM
Interpreting the intercept in mixture model
LCA comparing groups
Latent Logistic Test Model
Class-specific Between Variable Problem
Testing for local dependence in LPA
Undetected counterfeit (
Growth Mixture Model with Known Classes
Bivariate Residual problem
Auxiliary variables in mixture modeling: bch
Latent Variable Mixture Modeling
LCA Log Low & Log High
Multi-level LCA
How many indicators in LCA/LPA are too many?
Default Missing Data for LCA
BCH with covariate interpretation
BLRT problems with neg-bin GMM
Output of second-order LTA model
Weights in longitudinal GMM
Error Message saving CPROBS
Testing for Equivalence LPA (3 Step?)
LPA: Class Probabilities Results
Latent classes as X variables
Transition analysis from continuous indicators
Latent Profile Analysis with Repeated Measures
Factor Mixture Modeling with Covariates & Outcomes
LCA: BIC finds no minimum
Merging Transition Probabilities in LTA
Windows vs. Mac: Mac 3 times slower
Omnibus test (Wald) of predictors of latent class
Confidence intervals and p-values not coherent
Comparing LCGA models
Auxiliary vars in mixture modeling
Interpretation of factor loadings in FMM
Class Enumeration
TDIST function for kurtotic distributions
Mixture logistic regression
Comparison of Student t and Gaussian mixture model
How to perform trajectories on factorial means?
LRT tests with predefined classes
When time series analysis can use in mixture model
Tech 11 output using random time scores (TS)
Free loading parallel process growth mixture model
GMM and Missing Data
LCGA, FIML and deceased participants
Using LPA profiles with new data
Help needed with variance error
LPA with highly non-normal indicators valid?
3-step specification LTA and distal outcomes
LTA with 2 covariates and interaction between them
Relating an LTA to a GMM
Relating two latent class variables
Two-part modelling and missing data
Random-Intercept LTA (RI-LTA)
Example 8.14 with more than two time points.
LCA - Non-positive definite product matrix
Running LCA analyses in Linux
Mixture model with all missing in some classes
DCAT chi-square tests after multiple imputation
Latent transition analysis
Latent Profile Analysis: class probabilities
Inconsistent fit statistics
Saving conditional item probabilities
LCA and LPA with categorical distal outcome
BCH with arbitrary secondary model
Latent Profile Analysis in Mplus vs. STATA
K-means vs LPA or LCA
Measurement errors for most likely class
Saving class/cluster membership
LCA R3STEP w/ Complex Survey Data
A proper way to handle LPA variables
Establishing model-fit with count indicators
GMM and transitioning from latent classes found
LCA with multiple imputed datasets
Stratified LCA and R3STEP with type=imputation;
Mixture Rasch model with mixed format test
Questions about LPA
Waring and problem with the number of observation
LCA multiple imputation
LCA w/ cat and cont latent indicators
Equating transitional probabilities
Estimating prevalence of classes from survey data
AVEPP's for manually generated clusters
UG Example 7.9 output interpretation
LPA with Ipsative Data/Log Ratios
Performing factor analysis before LPA
LTA with covariates and distal outcomes
Z-score for transition probabilities
FIML or multiple imputation for LPTA?
When entropy is low in LPA
Latent Class Growth Model
Expand/Collapse TopicMultilevel Data/Complex Sample
Expand/Collapse TopicDynamic Structural Equation Modeling
Expand/Collapse TopicMissing Data Modeling