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T M C posted on Friday, March 21, 2014 - 5:45 pm
Hi, I am trying to run an EFA and I am getting the following error message: *** ERROR The length of the data field exceeds the 40-character limit for free-formatted data. Error at record #: 1, field #: 10 *** ERROR The number of observations is 0. Check your data and format statement. Data file: pd_group.dat I'm not sure how to correct this problem because I don't believe the data field exceeds the 40-character limit. And, I don't understand the second part of the error message because I do not have a format statement; I didn't think one was required. My syntax is below. Thanks for your help. TMC TITLE: EFA Scale DATA: FILE IS pd_group.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE ID Age Gender Edu Omit Y1-Y50 Group; USEOBSERVATIONS ARE GROUP 0; USEVARIABLES ARE Y1-Y50; CATEGORICAL ARE Y1-Y50; MISSING ARE *; ANALYSIS: TYPE = EFA 2 8; ESTIMATOR = WLSMV; ! Mplus default ITERATIONS = 1000; ROTATION = GEOMIN; ! Mplus default OUTPUT: SAMP RES STDY MOD FSDET; |
It sounds like you may be reading a formatted data set without a FORMAT statement. Open the data set and see if there are spaces, commas, or tabs between the variables. If not, you need a FORMAT statement. If this does not help, please send the output and data set along with your license number to support@statmodel.com. |
Hi, I'm having the same problem. I used stata2Mplus. I'm trying to do a basic analysis to start. I have checked my file and there are no symbols or variable names, data is free form (numbers are separated by a comma and a space). This is a common problem for me and I have frequently wasted many hours and have still not worked out why sometimes it runs and others it does not. Here is the output I am getting today: data: file is C:\Users\k\Documents\x.dta.inp; Variable: Names are stid etc; Missing are all (-9999) ; auxiliary = stid; usevariables are stid etc; Analysis: type=basic; *** ERROR The number of observations is 0. Check your data and format statement. Data file: C:\Users\k\Documents\x.dta.inp *** ERROR Invalid symbol in data file: "Title:" at record #: 1, field #: 1 The first line of my data is: 10000044,1,15,26,0,26.89,0,0,0,1,0,0 Thank you |
The file option should specify the name of the file that contains the data. It sounds like x.dta.inp contains the input. The word Title: is found in this file not numbers. |
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