Multi-group model structural constraints |
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Tom Booth posted on Friday, October 28, 2016 - 12:43 pm
Hi All, I am attempting to fit a 2 group model which contains both ESEM and CFA factors. I have established metric invariance for the factors across groups, and I subsequently want to test a mediation hypothesis among the latent variables, and test whether these structural parameters are equivalent across my two groups. However, when I try and constrain structural parameters related to the ESEM factors, the model throws up errors. I have tried doing this with factor labels, and with simply dropping the lines from the model for my second group - neither work. Any help would be warmly received. Kind Regards Tom |
Right, this is not generally available for ESEM. After estimating the ESEM model you can translate the ESEM model into an EFA in a CFA framework, imposing the right number of EFA restrictions (m^2 for m factors). See our short course handout for Topic 1. Then you can use Model Constraint to test what you want. |
Tom Booth posted on Sunday, October 30, 2016 - 12:22 am
Thank you Bengt. Sorry if that question has been asked many times. Would you recommend this approach over say taking factor scores from the ESEM metric invariant measurement model? Tom (I suspect the answer is yes) |
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