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HI, I am trying solve an ESEM with WLSMV estimator and oblimin rotation. The hipothetic model contain 4 factors. I have used a 184 subject as a sample. However, the output only chooses 92. I have checked the data file carefully and it is correct. Why does the program only select half of the subjects? Thank you very mach! It is my input syntax: DATA: FILE IS 184_1.dat; VARIABLE: MISSING ARE ALL (999); NAMES ARE ESEM CLIMA_1 CLIMA_2 CLIMA_3 CLIMA_4 CLIMA_5 CLIMA_6 CLIMA_7 CLIMA_8 CLIMA_9 CLIMA_10 CLIMA_11 CLIMA_12 CLIMA_13 CLIMA_14 CLIMA_15 CLIMA_16 CLIMA_17 CLIMA_18; USEVARIABLES ARE CLIMA_1 CLIMA_2 CLIMA_3 CLIMA_4 CLIMA_5 CLIMA_6 CLIMA_7 CLIMA_8 CLIMA_9 CLIMA_10 CLIMA_11 CLIMA_12 CLIMA_13 CLIMA_14 CLIMA_15 CLIMA_16 CLIMA_17 CLIMA_18; MISSING ARE ALL (999); CATEGORICAL ARE ALL; ANALYSIS: TYPE = EFA 1 5; And the ouput said...: INPUT READING TERMINATED NORMALLY SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 92 Number of dependent variables 18 Number of independent variables 0 Number of continuous latent variables 0 |
When half of the subjects are chosen, this usually means that you have more variable names in the NAMES statement than columns in the data set causing two records to be read for each observation. |
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