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David Sidhu posted on Thursday, April 05, 2018 - 3:55 pm
I have a set of 20 items that have each been rated by thirty participants, on 25 dimensions. I am interested in performing factor analysis on those 25 dimensions. I gather that it would be no problem to conduct a multilevel factor analysis, and account for the fact that observations are nested within participants. But, could I also model the fact that observations are nested within items? Note that subjects and items would be fully crossed random effects, not nested within each other. I can't quite figure out if MPlus can do this? |
Something like that should work VARIABLE: NAMES = y1-y25 subject item; CLUSTER = subject item; ANALYSIS: TYPE = CROSSCLASSIFIED; ESTIMATOR = BAYES; MODEL: %WITHIN% f BY y1-y25; %BETWEEN item% y1-y25; [y1-y25@0]; %BETWEEN subject% y1-y25; [y1-y25]; Search the user's guide for CROSSCLASSIFIED to see more examples or take a look at |
David Sidhu posted on Thursday, April 05, 2018 - 6:34 pm
Thanks for getting back to me! I will try that. I realize that I may not have been specifying the random terms correctly. In my attempt to run a model with observations nested within subjects, I did this: TITLE: exploratory factor analysis DATA: FILE IS wordtriallevelmplus.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE...(removed to save space); USEVARIABLES ARE ...(removed to save space); CLUSTER = PPT; MISSING ARE ALL (999); ANALYSIS: TYPE = TWOLEVEL EFA 1 5 UW 1 5 UB; OUTPUT: MODINDICES; Did I also need to add the extra bits you did for the MODEL? I.e., also add: MODEL: %WITHIN% f BY y1-y25; %BETWEEN subject% y1-y25; [y1-y25]; |
No. EFA models don't need a model statement. |
David Sidhu posted on Monday, April 09, 2018 - 11:22 am
Okay thanks! Am I correct that the syntax you wrote out originally isn't for an EFA? Rather, I would have to adopt that for an EFA? |
Yes, Tihomir's syntax was not for an EFA. EFA is not available for cross-classified analysis. |
Okay, thanks very much for the response! |
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