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Hello, If this is a repeat post, please forgive me but I do not see a message I posted last Friday. In addition to checking scree plots, and performing parallel analyses to determine number of factors to extract, I also check various fit indices. When using WLSMV, I use the RMSEA, CFI, TLI, chi-square and SRMR fit stats. There are times when I might try a ULS estimator. To my knowledge, no other package except CEFA produces RMSEA or chi-square when using ULS. I note that ULSMV produces all the fit stats produced when using WLSMV. I have checked the technical appendices. Except for a description of how ULSMV computes df, I can find no other reference to how ULSMV works. Aside from the calculation of df, are there any differences between ULSMV and ULS that I should take note of, or should the two provide identical results. Thank you! |
ULS and ULSMV will give the same parameter estimates. ULS does not give standard errors or fit statistics. Only ULSMV does that. |
Hi, I am trying to locate where is the formula for USLMV estimator in EFA. I did not find it in the technical material dowloaded from the website. I am curious to know if it is similar to the one for the so called "ALPHA" FACTOR EXTRACTION (see e.g. Mac Callum et al., 2007, equation 9.4 p. 170). I run a factor analysis problem both under SPSS (EXTRACTION = ALPHA/ROTATION = PROMAX), and under MPLUS (ESTIMATOR = ULSMV, ROTATION = GEOMIN, CATEGORICAL), and obtained almost the same results. So, I am wondering whether these two estimator are sort of equivalent, and if ULSMV in MPLUS allows you to perform the Kaiser's ALPHA factor analysis |
Appendix 4 of the Version 2 Tech appendices that we post on our web site at http://www.statmodel.com/download/techappen.pdf shows the formulas (105) -(108) which are relevant to ULSMV with W=I. I am not familiar with Kaiser's alpha method - you may want to ask on SEMNET. |
thank you so much Benght best Claudio |
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