Two-level item bi-factor EFA |
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Dear all, I am trying to run a Two-level item bi-factor EFA in a dataset that combines different studies. I would like to know how to access the scripts mentioned in the article by Muthén and Asparouhov: Item Response Modeling in Mplus: A Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Level, and Multi-Timepoint Example. It says in the abstract that the scripts are available here, but I couldn't find it. I built the following syntax (but I'm not sure if it's correct): VARIABLE: MISSING ARE ALL (999); NAMES ARE BDI1 BDI2 BDI3 BDI4 BDI5 BDI6 BDI7 BDI8 BDI9 BDI10 BDI11 BDI12 BDI13 BDI14 BDI15 BDI16 BDI17 BDI18 BDI19 BDI20 BDI21 Level; USEVARIABLES ARE BDI1-BDI21 Level; CLUSTER= Level; ANALYSIS: TYPE= TWOLEVEL EFA 2 3 UW 2 3 UB; ROTATION= BI-GEOMIN; ESTIMATOR= WLSMV; However, when I ran it, I got this error message: RESULTS FOR EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS CONVERGENCE PROBLEMS OCCURRED IN THE UNIVARIATE ESTIMATION OF VARIABLE BDI11. Any ideas why this happened? Does my syntax looks correct? Bests, Ricardo |
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