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Hello! After conducting an EFA and asking for MODINDICES, Mplus produces a matrix of Theta for the indicators, which is somehow different from the MODINDICES in ESEM. I'd like to incorporate the information in the EFA MOD into the model that approximates ok fit (CFI =0.887), to improve it, so I add a WITH in a Model statement between the two indicators with largest MOD in theta , but nothing changes in the model fit, am I reading the MODINDICES wrongly? this i the section that contains the largest MOD (other items not shown) THETA COPE_18 COPE_19 COPE_20 ________ ________ ________ ________ COPE_28 47.499 2.640 0.263 and I add : Analysis: type = efa 5 6; Model: COPE_28 with COPE_18 But the output looks the same as before. Is it possible to "improve" an EFA, that is what I gathered from the 2009 paper, but maybe I have to rely on ESEM? Best Fredrik |
The MODEL command is not used with TYPE=EFA. You can do your EFA via ESEM and then add the residual covariance. See Example 5.24. If you remove the covariates and direct effects, this is an EFA. |
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