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Dear Mplus support team, I have questions about exploratory factor mixture analysis. (1) Is there any way of saving class assignments? When I tried gSAVEDATAh option, I received warning messages as follows: *** WARNING in SAVEDATA command Class probabilities cannot be saved for TYPE=EFA when the range of factors requested is greater than 1. *************************************** (2) Again about obtaining information related to class membership. When I run exploratory factor mixture analysis on categorical data, I found gESTIMATED PROBABILITIESh and gESTIMATED STANDARDIZED THRESHOLDSh in the output file. However, when I run the same program on count data (only changed variable type), it seems I do not get these information. Do I need to specify something in the input file? Thank you for your help, |
This cannot be done for EFA. |
M. O. posted on Saturday, January 03, 2015 - 10:53 pm
Dear Dr. Muthen, Thank you for your reply. Maybe I did not explain my question well, so I just would like to confirm: I have conducted EFMA by specifying 2 classes and 2 factors. In the output file, I found that about half of the respondents being assigned to class 1. Is there any way to know who is assigned to class 1? Input file that I used was this. ---- TITLE:EFMA DATA: FILE IS 60itemN888EFMA.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE u1-u60; usevariables u1-u60; CATEGORICAL ARE u1-u60; CLASSES = c(2); ANALYSIS: TYPE = MIXTURE EFA 2 2; INTEGRATION=MONTECARLO; -------- Sorry for taking your time again. |
Please send the full output and your license number to support@statmodel.com. |
M. O. posted on Monday, January 05, 2015 - 7:58 pm
Dear Dr. Muthen, Thank you for your reply. In mixture analysis, I have been referring to LO-MENDELL-RUBIN ADJUSTED LRT TEST to determine appropriate number of classes. Given that TECHNICAL 11 is not available in EFMA, do you suggest any alternative when deciding number of classes?@ Here is the analysis I am trying: ---- TITLE:EFMA DATA: FILE IS test.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE u1-u10; usevariables u1-u10; CATEGORICAL ARE u1-u10; CLASSES = c(2); ANALYSIS: TYPE = MIXTURE EFA 2 2; OUTPUT: TECH1 TECH7 TECH11; ----- Thank you again. |
I would use BIC. |
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