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I have run an EFA in both MPlus and Stata and found considerable differences in the representation of the factor coefficients. Both programs indicated the same number (7) factor solution as the best fit for the data - MPlus through fit indices, Stata through Parallel Analysis. Procedures for both: ML extraction Oblimin rotation While I obtained a theoretically interpretable solution in MPlus (replicated in independent CFA), Stata provides very different coefficients for the factors. Is there any reason for this and how should I approach the interpretation? |
First make sure that the same sample size is used and that you are comparing the factor patterns, not the factor structure (so looking at loadings, not correlations between factors and items). If all that squares, send the outputs from the 2 programs to support. Note also that Mplus provides parallel analysis. |
I have solved the problem. For reference, Stata requires specification of Oblique rotation when using Oblimin. |
Jo Madison posted on Sunday, November 29, 2015 - 10:05 pm
Hi there, I did EFA using Mplus 7.4 and SPSS and got quite different factor loadings For Mplus I used the following script: title: uses file data1.csv wich is based on 21.sav which is correct data. data: file is ... variable: names are .... usevariables are ... ANALYSIS: Type = EFA 5 6; ROTATION= VARIMAX; and for SPSS I did EFA using the following syntax: DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. FACTOR /VARIABLES aca1 aca2 aca3 aca4 aca5 itc1 itc2 itc3 itc4 itc5 opp1 opp2 opp3 opp4 opp5 glp1 glp2 glp3 glp4 glp5 grp1 grp2 grp3 grp4 grp5 prs1 prs2 prs3 prs4 /MISSING LISTWISE /ANALYSIS aca1 aca2 aca3 aca4 aca5 itc1 itc2 itc3 itc4 itc5 opp1 opp2 opp3 opp4 opp5 glp1 glp2 glp3 glp4 glp5 grp1 grp2 grp3 grp4 grp5 prs1 prs2 prs3 prs4 /PRINT INITIAL EXTRACTION ROTATION /FORMAT SORT BLANK(.33) /CRITERIA MINEIGEN(1) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION ML /CRITERIA ITERATE(25) /ROTATION VARIMAX. Please help |
The programs should agree if you have the same: sample size estimator rotation and you are looking at the same loading pattern part of the output. If not, send the 2 outputs to Support along with your license number. |
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