Strange Error Message with ESEM |
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Dear Linda and Bengt, This error message pops up when running the script below. I believe that the program runs into an infinite loop, as these two errors are repeated over and over, until the program exits (after about 2 seconds)? *** ERROR Variable names must begin with an alphabet character: *1 *** ERROR Label is not a valid parameter label. This label will not be available for use in MODEL CONSTRAINT: *1 For the life of me, I cannot figure out what the problem is with the code, however. Here is the actual code: VARIABLE: NAMES ARE y1-y107; CATEGORICAL ARE y1-y107; ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR = WLSMV; MODEL: f1-f2 by y1-y37(*1); f3 by y62-y76; f4 by y38-y61; f5 by y89-y102; f6 by y77-y88; f7 by y103-y107; f3 ON f1-f2; f4 ON f1-f2; f5 ON f1-f2; f6 ON f1-f2; Thank you in advance for your help and advice. |
Please send the full output and your license number to support@statmodel.com. |
Fazil Aliev posted on Thursday, June 23, 2011 - 10:51 am
Dear Linda and Bengt, I'm trying to compare Exploratory Factor analysis with direct method and with exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM)for the same data with same rotation(GEOMIN) and estimator(MLR) options. Correlation coefficients between factors are similar but different. For EFA corr(F1,F2)=0.524, corr(F1,F3)=0.189 and corr(F2,F3)=0.192 For ESEM corr(F1,F2)=0.643, corr(F1,F3)=0.254 and corr(F2,F3)=0.294 What can cause this difference? All other model parameters and variable descriptives look like same. Thanks |
ESEM and EFA with the same rotation and the same estimator should yield the same results. Make sure the estimators are the same. If this doesn't solve it, send the outputs and your license number to support@statmodel.com. |
Dear Linda and Bengt, I’m doing ESEM at the stage of testing equality of factor variances and factor covariances. Using the model that it is described in the Mplus guide section 5.27 i got the fatal errors 1021. Like you suggested in 2004, skipping equality of factor covariances results in error 1001. Can you help me with this errors. Skipping the covariances is not really an option because it does not allow to go on with ESEM in order to better understand my model. VARIABLE: NAMES ARE r1-r9 c1-c12 f1-f8 case; USEVAR ARE r1-r9 c1-c12 f1-f8; Grouping is case (1=auto 2=energy); Analysis: iterations = 500000; rotation = oblimin; MODEL: rel cog fun by r1-r9 c1-c12 f1-f8 (*1); rel with cog (1); rel with fun (1); cog with fun (1); rel-fun@1; Output: MODINDICES (all) TECH1; Thank’s a lot and best regards, Thomas |
Please send the output and your license number to support@statmodel.com. |
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