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I am trying to establish invariance using ESEM across 4 ethnic groups. I can get an answer when I constrain factor loadings across groups but I am having trouble getting an unconstrained baseline model using the target rotation? Thanks! ERROR in MODEL command An EFA factor has been redeclared in a BY statement without (*label). Only one declaration of the factor is allowed. My message is too long so I've included abridged syntax here. I specify the same model for each ethnic group. GROUPING IS Ethnic6 (6=White 1=Black 2=Latino 5=Chinese); ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR = MLR; rotation=target; MODEL: emoeng by eng6_02 eng6_05 eng6_09 eng6_14 eng6_20 eng6_01~0 eng6_06~0 eng6_12~0 eng6_17~0 eng6_19~0 eng6_10~0 eng6_11~0 eng6_13~0 eng6_16~0 eng6_18~0 eng6_03~0 eng6_04~0 eng6_07~0 eng6_08~0 eng6_15~0(*1); effort by eng6_01 eng6_06 eng6_12 eng6_17 eng6_19 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1); anx by eng6_10 eng6_11 eng6_13 eng6_16 eng6_18 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1); withdraw by eng6_03 eng6_04 eng6_07 eng6_08 eng6_15 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1); [emoeng@0 effort@0 anx@0 withdraw@0 Eng6_01-Eng6_20]; |
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I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. THE MESSAGE ERROR IS: *** ERROR in MODEL command An EFA factor has been redeclared in a BY statement without (*label). Only one declaration of the factor is allowed. HOW CAN I FIX IT? THANK YOU SO MUCH |
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Jone Aliri posted on Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 8:38 am
Hello, my problem is just the oppossite, I cannot get an answer when I constrain factor loadings across groups (no problems with getting an unconstrained baseline model) using the target rotation. ERROR in MODEL command The EFA set with the label *1 has some factor loadings specified with equalities and some factor loadings specified without equalities. All factor loadings within a set must be either free or equal. Abridged syntax: here. I specify the same model for each group. GROUPING IS Sex (1=Male 2=Female); ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR = WLSMV; rotation=target; MODEL: AMA by it6 it12 it17 it34 it23 it29 it39 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1 1); APMEN BY it13 it24 it30 it35 it7 it18 it40 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1 1); MODEL Female: AMA by it6 it12 it17 it34 it23 it29 it39 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1 1); APMEN BY it13 it24 it30 it35 it7 it18 it40 (all other loadings specified~0)(*1 1); I supposse I have something bad in the syntax, but I can't solve it. Thank you very much |
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