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Alok Saboo posted on Saturday, March 17, 2012 - 2:29 pm
I used EFA to come up with a solution that I am happy with. Now I want to replicate (and extend) that model using CFA. I could not find any easy way to do that, especially since one cannot even use TECH1 with EFA. Basically, I am looking to get the exact same results using CFA as those from the EFA framework. Would appreciate any pointers..thanks!! |
Alok Saboo posted on Saturday, March 17, 2012 - 2:41 pm
Just to clarify, one reason that I want to do the above is to obtain factor scores as FSCORES does not work with TYPE=EFA, which is what I used in my original model. The EFA model is a good starting point for subsequent analysis. |
You can use ESEM to get factor scores. |
Alok Saboo posted on Sunday, March 18, 2012 - 5:37 am
Thanks for the guidance, but I am still not able to obtain the FSCORES. Here's my code: DATA: FILE IS "F:\For_Mplus.txt"; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE Age_IPO UW_Rep Inst_Ow VC Act_Rcv SGA MktInten RD TechInt TA CEO_MKTG MKTG_Exe CEO_Tech Tec_Exec Tot_Exec MExe_pct TExe_pct BuzIPF_I BuzIP_F Buz_F BuzF_I Mkt_all Prd_All Tot_all Mkt_all2 Prd_All2 Pat_fil Pat_g Cust_Pow Emp_Tot EMP_RD EMP_SM; CATEGORICAL ARE VC Cust_Pow CEO_Tech CEO_MKTG; USEVARIABLES= BuzIP_F TA EMP_RD UW_REP TECHINT INST_OW AGE_IPO EMP_TOT EMP_SM TEXE_PCT MExe_pct PAT_G VC PRD_ALL MKT_ALL Cust_Pow CEO_Tech CEO_MKTG; MISSING=.; ANALYSIS: ITERATIONS = 5000; MODEL: f1 BY BuzIP_F TA EMP_RD UW_REP TECHINT INST_OW AGE_IPO EMP_TOT EMP_SM TEXE_PCT MExe_pct PAT_G VC PRD_ALL MKT_ALL Cust_Pow CEO_Tech CEO_MKTG; f2 BY BuzIP_F TA EMP_RD UW_REP TECHINT INST_OW AGE_IPO EMP_TOT EMP_SM TEXE_PCT MExe_pct PAT_G VC PRD_ALL MKT_ALL Cust_Pow CEO_Tech CEO_MKTG; f1 WITH f2; f1@1; f2@1; OUTPUT: TECH1 MODINDICES; SAVEDATA: FILE IS "F:\fscores.sav" SAVE = FSCORES; It only saves the data and not the factor scores. Kindly advice. |
Try putting a semicolon after sav". |
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