January 21, 2025
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Download the Mplus Plots User Interface app. (Last updated: 2024-05-07)

Mplus plots R functions Mplus Plots User Interface
Histograms, density plots, QQ plots
Histograms mplus.plot.histogram Selection of variable, type of values (if applicable), number of bins
sample values
estimated factor scores
estimated values, residuals
Density plots mplus.plot.densityplot Selection of variable, type of values (if applicable), number of bins
sample values
estimated factor scores
estimated values, residuals
QQ plots mplus.plot.qqplot Selection of variable, type of values (if applicable), number of bins
sample values
estimated factor scores
estimated values, residuals
Scatterplots mplus.plot.scatterplot Selection of variables and type of values (if applicable)
sample values
estimated factor scores
estimated values, residuals
Two-level plots
Between-level histograms mplus.plot.histogram Selection of variable and number of bins
sample values
sample/estimated means/variances
estimated factor scores
Between-level density plots mplus.plot.densityplot Selection of variable and number of bins
sample values
sample/estimated means/variances
estimated factor scores
Between-level QQ plots mplus.plot.qqplot Selection of variables
sample values
sample/estimated means/variances
estimated factor scores
Between-level Scatterplots
Between-level scatterplots mplus.plot.scatterplot Selection of variables
sample values
sample/estimated means/variances
estimated factor scores
Two-level cluster-specific observed and estimated values plots
Time series plots
Time series plots
sample values mplus.plot.timeseries.observed Selection for values or means over subjects, variable, subject
estimated factor scores
Histogram of subjects per time point mplus.plot.histogram.timepoints No selection input
Time interval plots mplus.plot.time.intervals Selection for subject
Means and probabilities
Sample means mplus.plot.sample_means Selection of series, group
Estimated means (several) Selection of series, group
means mplus.plot.estimated_means Selection of series, group
medians mplus.plot.estimated_medians Selection of series, group
modes mplus.plot.estimated_modes Selection of series, group
percentiles mplus.plot.estimated_medians_with_percentiles Selection of series, group
Sample and estimated means mplus.plot.sample_and_estimated_means Selection of series, group
Adjusted estimated means mplus.plot.adjusted_estimated_means Selection of series and covariate values
Dropout means mplus.plot.dropout_means Selection of series
Sample proportions, estimated and conditional estimated probabilities (several) (several)
sample proportions mplus.plot.sample_proportions Selection of variable or series
estimated probabilities mplus.plot.estimated_probabilities Selection of variable or series
conditional estimated probabilities
sample proportions and estimated probabilities mplus.plot.sample_proportions_and_estimated_probabilities Selection of variable or series
Survival curves
Kaplan-Meier mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier Selection of variable and class
Estimated baseline mplus.plot.survival.baseline Selection of variable and class, single vs. sequentally connected
Sample logcumulative mplus.plot.survival.sample.logcumulative Selection of variable and class
Estimated logcumulative mplus.plot.survival.estimated.logcumulative Selection of variable and class, single vs. sequentally connected
Basehazard mplus.plot.survival.basehazard Selection of variable and class
Kaplan-Meier vs Estimated baseline mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline Selection of variable and class
Sample vs Estimated logcumulative mplus.plot.survival.sample.vs.estimated.logcumulative Selection of variable and class
Discrete survival curves
Baseline mplus.plot.survival.baseline Selection of variable and class
Kaplan-Meier mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier Selection of variable and class
Kaplan-Meier vs Baseline mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline Selection of variable and class
IRT plots
Item characteristic curves mplus.plot.irt.icc Selection of items, group, categories
Information curves (several)
Item information curves mplus.plot.irt.iic Selection of items and group
Total information curves mplus.plot.irt.tic Selection of items and group
Bayesian plots
Bayesian posterior parameter distributions mplus.plot.bayesian.distribution Selection of parameter and number of bins
kernel density
Bayesian posterior parameter trace plots mplus.plot.bayesian.traceplot Selection of parameter
Bayesian autocorrelation plots mplus.plot.bayesian.autocorrelation Selection of parameter and chain number
Bayesian prior parameter distributions mplus.plot.bayesian.prior.distribution Selection of parameter and number of bins
kernel density
Bayesian posterior predictive checking scatterplots mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.scatterplot Selection of information
Bayesian posterior predictive checking distribution plots mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.distribution Selection of information and number of bins
Other plots
Eigenvalues for exploratory factor analysis mplus.plot.eigenvalues No selection input
Autoregressive curves mplus.plot.autoregressive.curve Selection of parameter
Loop plots mplus.plot.loop Selection of parameter
Moderation plots mplus.plot.moderation Selection of parameter
Sensitivity plots mplus.plot.sensitivity Selection of parameter
Measurement parameter plots mplus.plot.measurement.parameter Selection of plot type (invariance or histogram), parameter, bins
Bootstrap distributions mplus.plot.bootstrap.distribution Selection of parameter and number of bins
Conditional expectation plots
Latent variable distribution plots mplus.plot.bayesian.plausible.distribution
Individidual plots
Observed individual values mplus.plot.individual.values Selection of process, plot type (data or fitted curves), number of curves, starting observation index
Estimated individual values mplus.plot.individual.values Selection of process, number of curves, starting observation index
Estimated individual probability values
Estimated means and observed individual values mplus.plot.individual.values Selection of process, plot type (data or fitted curves) and class
Estimated means and estimated individual values mplus.plot.individual.values Selection of process and class
Adjusted estimated means and observed individual values mplus.plot.individual.values Selection of process, plot type (data or fitted curves), class, and covariate values
Adjusted estimated means and estimated individual values mplus.plot.individual.values Selection of process, class, and covariate values
Estimated overall and class-specific distribution
Estimated distributions
Estimated probabilities for a categorical latent variable as a function of its covariates