Setting Equal Covariance and Mean PreviousNext
Mplus Discussion > Structural Equation Modeling >
 Fabian Wolff posted on Friday, June 14, 2019 - 8:15 am
Hello, I would like to specify a latent interaction according to the unconstrained approach. To this end, I have to set equal the covariance between the latent first-order factors (f1, f2) and the mean of the latent product variable (f1xf2). I used the following instructions in the syntax:

f1 with f2 (x);
[f1xf2] (x);

However, I got different values for the covariance and mean. Is there another way to speficy? Thanks!
 Bengt O. Muthen posted on Saturday, June 15, 2019 - 11:42 am
I don't know what the unconstrained approach is - but why not use the Mplus approach of Web Note 23:

Asparouhov, T, & Muthén, B. (2019). Latent variable interactions using maximum-likelihood and Bayesian estimation for single- and two-level models. Mplus Web Notes: No. 23. May 3, 2019. (Download the Section 4 Bayes examples)
 Fabian Wolff posted on Sunday, June 16, 2019 - 11:00 am
Thanks for this idea!
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