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Payment Information

Payment Methods.   We accept  orders from all countries using advanced payment via credit card, check/draft/money order or PayPal.

We do not accept wire tranfers at this time.

Purchase Orders.  We accept Purchase Orders over $250.00  from within the United States only.  To order using a P.O. place your order online.   Select purchase order for payment method then email admin@statmodel.com or fax to 310-391-8971 the purchase order document and the online order number.  It will be billed accordingly and the order will be released for shipment and/or download.

Proforma Invoice.  If you require a Proforma Invoice, place your order online, choose check as payment method.  When your order is complete go to “view order status”, “view order details” then click on the print proforma button in the right-hand menu and it will print a proforma invoice.  Please make sure to reference your online order number with your payment.

Resellers or Third Party Ordering.   We are not affiliated with any resellers and do not work with resellers.  We are the sole distributor of Mplus.  Orders found to be from resellers will be cancelled.  If you need assitance with order, please contact us directly.