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Product Description

The Mplus Base Program and Multilevel Add-On contains all of the features of the Mplus Base Program.  In addition, it estimates models for clustered data using multilevel models.  These models include multilevel regression analysis, multilevel path analysis, multilevel factor analysis, multilevel structural equation modeling, and multilevel growth modeling. In multilevel analysis, observed dependent variables can be continuous, binary, ordered categorical (ordinal), or a combination of these variable types. Other special features include single or multiple group analysis, missing data estimation, sampling weights, latent variable interactions and non-linear factor analysis using maximum likelihood, random slopes, individually-varying times of observation, non-linear parameter constraints, maximum likelihood estimation for all outcomes types, Monte Carlo simulation facilities, and a post-processing graphics module.

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License Information:
An Mplus Single-User License comes with one year of product support, updates, and upgrades. Read more...